May the colors be bright
Spring is here! Though the consequences of global warming have made our seasons a little confusing, the calendar says it's spring and so...

Walk like an Egyptian
I love my little Egyptian stools so much it makes me want to do a little jig!! But I'm a terrible dancer so the next best thing is to...

The shiniest urban jungle
When I think of my home town of Los Angeles, I think of the beaches, the Hollywood hills, all the hiking trails and majestic views, and...

Chewing up the scenery
You may have figured this out by now, but let me be clear about this... yes I love to travel! I have done my fair share of flights around...

When you want what you want
Getting exactly what you want is often easier than you think. I desperately wanted a sofa table, but could not find exactly what I wanted...

First official collection, starting with a Z
Here we go again, I made a big decision! If you like a chair, and the chair makes you feel comfortable and warm, but also elegant and...

A visit to Bollywood Dan's new home
I really didn't mean to, but somehow a strange pattern has emerged where I offer to help decorate/style the home where my chair pieces...

Play a hand with La Parisienne
Yes, it does help to be born in Paris in order to naturally exude that effortless Parisian chic, but there are other ways you can get...

An Elk lost in Tokyo
There I go again with a whimsical animal print! But I'm hoping these furry friends are what keep you coming back for more, and that I can...

From inspiration to obsession
My creation workshop is filled with fabrics, design books, boxes of ribbons, measuring tape and my huge stack of decor magazine...